All orders are processed within 3 business days. Delivery times vary based on your distance from the shipping facility.Domestic orders normally deliver in 3-7 business days. International orders can take 7 days - 4 weeks to be delivered.If you have questions on the status your order, please email customer service
We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard & American Express, Discover and PayPal.
Yes. Please email service@okayplayer.com for info.
Please email customer service immediately with “WRONG SHIPPING ADDRESS” as the subject line. In the body of your email, please include your name and your “Order Number” with the correct information.
Check back for updated stock (we are constantly updating the store) Items in this store tend to sell out quickly.
The charge is a pending transaction and will fall off within 2-3 business days. Your credit card company or bank will hold these funds for your own safety.
Multiple transactions usually show on your card because the credit card was declined because of wrong information entered like address, security codes, etc. If you get a confirmation order from our store via email, you got a successful transaction. All other transactions will fall off your back account in about 3 business days.
Try enabling cookies on your browser.
For Internet Explorer:
Click on Tools . Go down to Internet Options . In the Internet Options window click the Privacy tab . Move the slider bar down to Medium, Low, or Accepts All Cookies . Click the Apply button to save the settings . Click OK to close the Internet Options window . Exit the browser and begin a new transaction in a new window
For Firefox:
Click on Tools . Go down to Options . Click on the Privacy icon . Click on the button next to Cookies, make sure' allow site to set cookies' is checked . Click OK to save changes and close the Options window . Exit the browser and begin a new transaction in a new window If you continue experiencing problems you might want to try using another computer or another browser type, or wait for 24 hours and try the transaction again.
Wholesale inquires should be sent to service@okayplayer.com.